REWIEWS: First Day At School Lagoona Blue and 2 Season 2 Minis

Hello Blogmonsters,

here is Clawdeen Wolf with the weekly blogspot.

Today I have three Reviews for you, one big and two tiny ones.

I guess and hope that this month we will do more reviews.
Cleo and I are waiting for new updates of ourseves as well.

But today - its time for Lagoona.

Here she is:

The brand boo Basic Lagoona who is oficcially called - as I know now:


Here is her in the box.

The box is the same as for Frankie, Draculaura and Ari basically, but I heard the new boxes are a bit smaller.
They are clear plastic in the front and at the sides with a glued on background that looks much like the one of the old Basic dolls. The backgrounds have different colours, Lagoonas is turquise or aqua with black and a little white and yellow.
Also you can see artwork of Frankie, Draculaura and myself, Lagoonas Scullette Logo and name and the MH logo.

At the boxes back you will find a big artwork of Lagoona and four little pictures of other dolls from the First Day At School line - in this case: Draculaura, Frankie, myself and Cleo.

Also there is the usual infearmation.

As usually when Calaminthe opens the boo boxes, she damages the background display - one of the reasons why she doesn't keep the boxes anymore.

You can see that Lagoona comes with a handbag but not with further accessories like brush, stands or diaries.

Here is sweet Lagoona freed from the packaging.

She is very cute from the bottom to the tiptoes, I personally think.
There is much that is different from her old self - you will see in detail.

First day At School Lagoona has long, side parted, blonde and aqua open hair with light curls.

She is fully articulated which means you can bend her at the neck, shoulders, ellbows, wrists, upper legs and knees.

Calaminthe forgot to take a picture of her bag, its a sporty one with a shell closure and a charm that could be algaes or kelp maybe in pink. The whole bag is turquise and can be opened.

Lagoona has a blueish light green skintone and some cute freckles under her turquise big eyes, turquise eyebrows, purple eyeshadow, rouge and light pink lipstick.

Here are - or better said is - Lagoonas clothes.

Tops and bottoms are all sewn together as one part.
Good thing is you can't loose one of the things.
Bad thing is you also can't create different looks from the single parts.

This Onesie has a coral coloured top with hood and a black printed on number "13" at the front.
Selleves and lower top part look like she is wearing a second top which is white with aqua blue waves. The bottom part is shorts in turquise with black flower prints with a fishnet part that looks like a second pair of pants.

Also Lagoona has a turquise pearl bracelet.
She doesn't have earrings, sadly.

The hood can be pulled over Lagoonas head, of course.

At the bottom of the hood there is a big opening for pulling her hair through.

When you want to change Lagoonas clothes, you first have to do this and then pull the whole hood over her head to the front, then open the overall at the velcro at the back and pull the whole thing off.

Here are Lagoonas sporty turquise shoes.

I personally love that Matell gave her a pair of sneakers this time - so far she only had open shoes like sandals or the like. This pair is perfect for summer and winter.

There is a scales pattern at the shoes sides and the heels have pearl and wave details.

Here is a photo of everything this Lagoona comes with - the clothes, shoes, bracelet and opened purse.

Now old versus Reboot Lagoona.

The old one - on the left - is Scull Shores Lagoona.

You can see that there are many differences.

The colour of their hair is different - the reboot one has lighter blond hair.
The eyebrows have a different colour.

Lagoonas eyes are now much bigger and the colour has changed from green to more aqua.
The lips look different as well and also it seems that her skintone changed a bit too.

Our home is smoke free and so I just can guess that either her hair and skin HAS a different colour or that, through the years, the colours just changed a bit.

Here you can see the differences at Lagoonas body - left old, right reboot.

I really love the reboot bodies, personally. They are much more stable. There are the usual reboot differences like longer legs, wider hips, less hollow back and more stable ellbow joints.

Here is a closeup of the old and new arm and hand.

You can see that Reboot Lagoona has wider arms and better joints.
The fin on the arm changed from translucent to massive aqua and Lagoonas new hands have less webbing between the fingers, but yes - the HAVE webbing.

At the height of the arm fin is also a new scale detail on the arm which Calaminthe wasn't able to document in the picture.

You can see this better on the legs - they have now scales which is bootiful!
The leg fins can be pulled out to change Lagoonas clothes. The new fins seem to fit much more stable so that they can't get lost as easily as before. No guarantee though of course that you cannot loose them at all.
If you fear to loose fins it is maybe better to buy a non articulated legs Lagoona which has - I found out - molded on leg fins.

And now to the


For the Germans: Calaminthe found them at Mรผller this week.

Here is how the Seasons 2 bag looks like - sorry that it is already opened.

Here is the boo checklist, front and back.
It seems they gave up giving numbers for the series and also they are not named anymore on the list.

Calaminthe - or better I - had good luck to find two Mini Clawdeens inside the two bags she bought:

POWER GHOULS Clawdeen - sorry for the blurry picture - has a purple eye mask and body with green and black details, gloves and legs and a black belt with crescent moon.

Her hair is mainly brown with a metallic purple shimmer layered over it which looks CLAWSOME!

CHALK BOARD Clawdeen is all black with details that look like painted on with chalk - purple chalk streaks in the hair and a purple paw on her dress, yellow chalk eyes and dress borders.

I really, really love them - they are so cute!

Now I have four Clawdeen Minis and I twill try to find more - maybe four - to fill in the little white IKEA shelf I have, its perfect for the Minis.

And this had been todays last picture.

I hope you liked the reviews and recommend my blog to your friends maybe.

And I wish you a fangtastic weekend and a clawsome week!

Bye for today,

๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’‹ Clawdeen Wolf


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