
Showing posts from July, 2018


Hello Blogmonsters, sorry, no blogspot this weekend. Calaminthes computer is about to die. :-( But I hope we will be back next weekend. Please don't forget to come back. I wish you a fangtastic weekend and a clawsome week, 💚💜💚 Clawdeen

REVIEW: Party Ghouls Venus McFlytrap

Hello, friends of Monster High, Its Saturday and time for Clawdeens Photoblog, and today the blog is about me: Venus. This is one of my Reboot Versions, and of course I like this look and want to share it with all of you, so here is another review. Meet me as: PARTY GHOULS VENUS MCFLYTRAP Here is me in my box. Though I think the box itselves looks nice, I wish it would be less plastic. Wouldn't it have been enough if the box would have been completeley out of plastic with just a little plastic window to see how I look in the box? Well. The Party Ghouls Boxes had been already reviewed. The front is clear plastic with the Monster high Logo, some pictures of me and a heart that tells the series name in several languages. Gladly, the boxes back is just cardboard. Here is how it looks completeley. Mainly, there is a big artwork of me in the middle of a ring of bulbs with some ballons, and it says that I am the daughter of plantmonsters. Then there are two photos. One of it shows that I

Greens And Whites

Hello Blogmonsters! Clawdeen here with the weekly blogspot. Its the third weekend of July, and here in my hometown Olpe, people know what this means: It is Schützenfest again! For all those who don't know what it is, search for Schützenfest blogspots I did in earlier years. On this picture the cameras didn't focus on me, but here you can see that the normie citizens of Olpe decorated the town in greens and whites. Its not in every street, but it is more from year to year. Schützenfest means as well, that I am doing fashion for my friends, inspired by these two colours. Its time to show you what I came up with this year! Here is Neightan Rot. Of course he has got the traditional hat - the "Schützenkappe". Every man in Olpe interested in this event (and its 10000 of them) has one. To go with the cap, I made a green and white checkered shirt for the Zombiecorn, and green pants. Would have looked more perfect, of course, with white or black shoes, but this is the only pai

Summer Outdoor Photoshootings

Hello Blogmonsters, Usually, when Calaminthe does Doll-Photoshootings in the nature, I post them as a little extra at the end of the blogspot. but today, they are the main thing posted, because we have so many already. Enjoy: Some pictures of me here: Blockhaus bei Reichshof Here is one of Toralei, waiting in the window frame at home that rain is stopping: Two of Frankie, also at home, trying out her bycicle: Three of Cleo, made here: Griesemert bei Olpe And, last not least, a Photosession with Silvi, made here: Chapel / Kapelle bei Waldenburg Well - there are a lot of photos today, and not much text, but at least it's called Photoblog, isn't it? I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Next week, in Olpe we have Schützenfest, so you can look forward to more new fashion in greens and whites. time to say goodbye and wish a fangtastic weekend and a clawsome week, 💜💚💜 Clawdeen Wolf