
Showing posts from December, 2017

New Year 2017/2018: Party-Fashion

Hello Blogmonsters, Clawdeen here with the last blogspot. ... 😜 For this year, of course! Next year, I will go on as I did before. In January, there will be more reviews - there are still some of older dolls that have to be done, and sure we hope to find more new dolls next year too. There also will be more new self made fashion. At the moment I am working on five winter-outfits, but I am not as quick at the moment as I had been earlier. There are many other things that have to be done, and sometimes I just need pausing from all that sewing. Not in January, but generally, of course you will also see new Ghoul Specials. And hopefully, outdoor and travel pictures.  Also planned are more tutorials, but I really need time for those, and so they still will be very rare. Giveaways? Of course. The usual giveaways will be done, Blog Birthday is summer, Halloween in fall, Christmas in winter. MAYBE an easter one, as far as I can, but that one is optional. Okay... so - what will I show you TODA

Christmas 2017

Hello Blogmonsters, Clawdeen Wolf here with the weekly blogspot. Today is December 23rd, which means... tomorrow it is Christmas! Awooo.... And I have already enough stuff for nearly the whole January. Mainly doll reviews! Well, but today I want to show you the latest two christmas dresses I finshed. There are two. Plus: We have some clawsome pictures from Michie Olivetree to show you, she was the winner of the Christmas Giveaway. Well... and Cleo and Deuce gave each other some presents. Deuce found a Teddy Bear Mini for Cleo... sadly she already had this one. And Deuce was gifted with a MH Mini as well, which is Sporty Deuce and the first Mini he has got, so far. Deuce promised Cleo to get her a better present as soon as he finds one, but Cleo is fine with her Mini-Teddybear-self. Double or not, Cleo never can have enough of... Cleo! Okay... this quick sketch of myself, Cleo and Calaminthe is one of the pictures Michie Olivetree shot when she got her Giveaway letter. Calaminthe, when

REVIEW: Gore-geous Accessories Honey Swamp

Good day, everybody! Here is Honey Swamp, and its on me to do the weekly blogspot today. Last week, you have seen me in wearing a party look, and today I want to show you one that is maybe not the latest in the shops, but the newest I personally got. And when you buy me wearing the look I want to show you today, I am called: GORE-GEOUS ACCESSORIES HONEY SWAMP First, lets hava a look at the box. On mine was a price tag, Calaminthes beastie Jianne found me at Galeria Kaufhof in Solingen weeks ago for a low price and was so nice to buy me for Calaminthe, so I am an early christmas gift. Thank you sooo much, Jianne! πŸ’“ On the left side on the boxes front you can see a purple accessories background, showing bags, shoes and glasses, and under it, you also find a sweet artwork of myself. Also there is my name and, instead of a personal scullette, the picture of a purple shoe. On the right, you will find the Monster High school logo together with other logo stuff. On the boxes side, artwork, m

Christmas Giveaway 2017: Who is the winner?

Hello Ghouls and Mansters, Cleo deNile here with a quick Saturday blogspot. We tried to make a little christmas mood, and so we decorated our pink couch for todays blogspot. Remember last weeks Giveaway? You could win this brand boo (or brand new, as the normies say) ;-) Draculaura Reboot Fashion Pack plus a powder pink blogshirt. The question we asked was: How is this Fashion Pack called? And here is the right answer: GHOUL GLAM. At the end each of you who entered knew it, and now it is time to draw lots and pick a winner. Honey Swamp is here with me today, and she is the one who picks the winner. As always, Calaminthe taped her hand, so she can pick one of the lots in the box in front of us. The lot sticking to her hand will be the one who wins. We wrote each of your names on one of the lots before, and to make it fair, they all look exactly the same and are shaken before, so that nobody knows who will be the lucky one. Lets start! And how it seems, Honey picked up one of the lots! L

****CLOSED**** GIVEAWAY TIME! (Howliday Giveaway 2017) ****CLOSED****

Helloooo Blogspotters! Here is Draculaura with this weeks blogspot. Clawdeen is as always busy and Calaminthe wants to go to a christmas market this afternoon. Cleo has other things to to but... well! Clawdeen asked me to do this spot, and of course I do! Not least because this will be a very nice one. It is time for the HOWLIDAY GIVEAWAY 2017 And that is a nice reason why I have my party dress on today. But that is not what you can win. THIS is what we wanted to give away this time: A Blogshirt , of course, as always, and a BRAND BOO FASHION PACK ! We decided to give away this fashion pack because I have the same one already. Its very cute, I love it and it fits niceley. The blogshirt has Clawdeens signature blog logo, as usually. This time it is powder pink. It is hand sewn and open at the back so your dolls can slip in easily. If you want to add a press button or velcro, of course you can, but its not necessary. It is made from recycled T-Shirt material but of course new and made ju